Believe offer support to all those affected by organ donation and their families, whatever the outcome of the process. This also includes those approached about organ donation regardless of their final decision. This extends to healthcare professionals, donor families, those unable to donate, transplant recipients and their families. This support is not time dependant.
This support is provided through The Fraser Fund, a valuable resource available for families and individuals affected by organ donation. If you or a loved one has been involved in the organ donation process, you may be eligible to apply for funding to access vital support services. The fund covers two key areas of support: Emotional Support and Educational Support for Children.
Emotional Support can include therapy, counselling or other forms of assistance to help families cope with the challenges that come with organ donation.
The support includes but is not limited to:
• Mental health support
• Financial support with travel and accommodation costs for hospital visits
• Wellbeing support through family visits or away days
• Educational support through private tutoring
• Believe bears and support packs

Roman's Story
Roman was born with half a heart in 2015 and spent the first year of his life in hospital. After numerous operations it was decided that Romans only chance of survival was a heart transplant…

Just after Covid, Roman was admitted to Great Ormond Street due to ill health. During this visit Anna was given the opportunity to meet Roman in the Rain Cafe at Great Ormond Street Hospital. This was a moment of mixed feelings for both parties, but also a wonderful one. You can read some more about this special meeting here.